March 12, 2021
I’ve Been Diagnosed With A Thyroid Condition – Now What?
Written By: Ryre Cornish

Our thyroid gland is essential to our overall health. It secretes two hormones which influence metabolism within all our cells by regulating the speed at which they work. So, it’s unsurprising that thyroid problems can have a knock-on effect, sending many other parts of the body out of whack and leaving us feeling pretty rubbish.

Check Your Micronutrients! 

Many dietary and lifestyle factors can lead to dysregulation. Thyroid function is also highly dependent on a variety of nutrients. Poor nutritional status is a root cause of thyroid dysfunction. 

Our thyroid does not get out of sorts for no reason! 

Be aware that not every supplement, product or food marketed as something that will ‘support thyroid health’ may be your friend. In fact, the wrong products can actually cause trouble. 

Understanding what your body’s specific needs are is key! 

And knowing what you, as an individual, are deficient in can help you supply yourself, including your thyroid, with everything you need to function optimally and thrive!

Here are 4 of the most important micronutrients for thyroid health. 

We should avoid having too much as well as too little of them! 

  • Iodine (adult RDA = 140 μg/day) 

Currently its only known role in the body, iodine is used in the production of thyroid hormones. 

Hypothyroidism can develop if you are deficient in iodine, and it is the most common cause worldwide. Mild to moderate deficiency, however, can result in the thyroid overcompensating, leading to goitre and hyperthyroidism. 

But excessive iodine intake can lead to hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Like with so many things in the body, it’s about balance and moderation.  

  • Selenium (female adult RDA = 60 μg/day, male adult RDA = 75 μg/day)

Selenium is critical for the catalysis of three different iodine-based enzymes for the activation and deactivation of thyroid hormones, and it protects the thyroid from oxidative stress.

  • Zinc (female adult RDA = 7 mg/day, male adult RDA = 9.5 mg/day)

Zinc interacts with thyroid hormones, with key roles in regulating them.

  • Iron (adult female RDA (under 50) = 14.8 mg, adult female RDA (over 50) = 8.7 mg/day, adult male RDA = 8.7 mg/day)

Iron is used to activate the thyroid hormone. Deficiency is associated with thyroid dysfunction. People with low iron can present especially with hypothyroidism, but also hyperthyroidism.


Check Your Stress Levels!

Our thyroid and adrenal glands work together to supply our bodies with the right balance of particular hormones. There is a delicate balance between our thyroid and the stress hormone, cortisol, so thyroid symptoms may increase when we encounter stress, and the balance is disturbed.

Check Your Gut Health!

Our overall gut health influences the absorption of all the key nutrients for thyroid function!


Our gut microbiome influences the absorption of key nutrients, including minerals like iodine, selenium, zinc, and iron for our thyroid gland.

Celiac Disease

Interestingly, studies have found that many people with thyroid disease also have celiac disease, and celiac disease has been associated with a 4-fold increased risk of hypothyroidism.

Ryre Cornish is a qualified Nutritional Therapist helping individuals to optimise their mental and physical health. To learn more, check out



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